Endorsed Candidates

♦♦ = Candidate did not advance
Our Endorsement Process
Our candidates have been vetted by national and/or local environmental organizations like the Sierra Club, the League of Conservation Voters, among others. We look for candidates who advocate for our policy priorities, and who are running in competitive primary and general races. We endorse in state and national-level races. If you are one of our endorsed candidates, feel free to download our logo (color or monochrome) for use on your website and social media. Candidate submissions are closed for 2024.
Our previous endorsed candidates can be found here: 2018; 2020; 2022
For more information on supporting women and environmentally-friendly candidates, visit these organizations:
How to Support the Candidates
Vote. Visit Vote411.org and enter your address to find your polling place, build your ballot with their online voters’ guide and more. With the voters’ guide you can see the races on your ballot, compare candidates’ positions side-by-side, and print out a “ballot” indicating your preferences as a reminder and take it with you to the polls on Election Day.
Volunteer. Visit a candidate’s website to find out how you can volunteer for the campaign through things like phone-banking, canvassing, and office support.
Spread the Word. Visit the social media accounts of the candidates and share posts to amplify their messages.